Perth model hearing room

I managed to attend part of the Scottish Tribunals Forum this morning. Children's Hearings are not tribunals in the strict sense but are similar in some respects in that they can impose statutory obligations on children and young people. Many of the issues we seek to address mirror what is underway in the new tribunal structure in Scotland. A key difference is that we rely on the support of volunteers.

I had to leave part way through to drive to Perth to attend the formal opening and of the new hearings centre developed by SCRA. It's been in gestation for a long time. But the protracted time has allowed the new centre to adopt the model hearing room that is being rolled out as resources allow. The model room was developed in discussion with young people and reflects the oft expressed dislike of the large table which is often found in hearings rooms.

Each local area will decide on aspects of the colour schemes, style, decoration and so on. Feedback has been very positive from those who have already tried it out.

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