Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Winter reflections

Our local town centred photographed after dark from the upstairs bit of Pret a Manger. I liked the spontaneous montage; we look like a couple of fairies in the Christmas tree looking down. 

This was the back end of the day when we we shopped for scented candles (we love having a nice smelling house), and some other bits; and after the usual garden maintenance and trip to the dump (if we don't go to the dump every weekend they send someone 'round to check we are okay, they get worried something has happened to us). And been to the gym, and before that had a lie in. 

Warning: don't read on unless you are interested in some self indulgent rambling.

So we are very stay-close-to-home creatures at the moment. 2016 has been a bit traumatic and exhausting; we sat in Bills last night and listed everything that has happened this year. My mum dying; TSM being badly treated in her old job and then having the stress of taking on a new job (which she loves but it is a lot of responsibility); the twin disasters of Brexit and Trump; me being off work with - well the doctors variously labelled it as - stress, depression and anxiety - whatever it was; then the injury to Dylan and everything that followed in its wake. Missing The Girl Racer and getting ready to miss The Dizzle when he goes travelling early in the new year. ..

I only mention all this because we are distinctly unadventurous, perhaps because we lack the energy to be anything else.

'Tis midwinter; things will get better. That is always my assumption. We have more going for us than most, we know that. You just feel like pulling the metaphorical duvet around you sometimes...


Had a movie double bill tonight, couple of oldies - "Network" from 1976 and "Ghost" from 1990. Kept us going until 1am, two totally different films. Hadn't seen Network before, it is a flawed but very good and highly surreal movie with a lot of contemporary relevance - particularly this year. Basically humanity is a herd and capable of manipulation, and individuals run on scripts. Not an optimistic film. But thought provoking....As for ghost ... well how can you not enjoy a film with phallic pottery?

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