
By briocarioca

Another farewell

First of all, so many thanks for all the stars and kind comments on my 1000th entry. I greatly appreciate the visits to my journal and the genuine friendship of this wonderful Blip world. I may not get round to thanking everyone individually, but I will try to catch up with your journals. Blessings on you all!

We've ruled out going to the hills for the last weekend before we travel - too much to do here. The upside is that we were able to have a farewell dinner with Bridget, who's leaving Brazil after 31 years. It's a brave move, but she's a brave lady. At least she will be fairly close to her daughter, who has been in England, and now in Holland, for a couple of years already, but her son will stay here and she'll miss him enormously. I wonder if we'll be following suit before too long. We certainly have a good reason for doing so, as all our family is in the UK.
After a day pushing paper, it was great to be introduced to a new (to us) restaurant, with superb caipirinhas, perfect picanha and a delicious Romeo and Juliette (guava paste and Catupiry cheese, served hot).
Good luck, Bridget, and keep us posted. We may follow in your footsteps!

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