If You Have a Lot of Lemons...

...pick them! They made a nice spot of color on a rainy day. This picture was taken through the window in my laundry room. I seem to have been spending a lot of time there lately.The grasses got a much needed haircut the other day. Hector knew what he was doing with his little chain saw/hedge clipper. We have many agaves and I love the huge blue one seen here growing above the driveway. This is the plant from which tequila is made. It wouldn't surprise me if Hector knew how to do that too....

It will be time to spring into gear for Christmas, but OilMan and I have elected to take one or two days savoring Thanksgiving before we move on. I've included snapshots  in the extras of the grands helping themselves to food,  Owen with his silly gift with Maya in the background in her sweater which nobody would take away from her because she loved it and Matthew with his (in)famous mashed potatoes. He makes them every year and so far has:
1. Broken the garbage disposal with potato peelings
2. Broken the sink trap trying to repair the disposal
3. Forgotten the boiling potatoes until they were reduced to watery mush
4. Insists every year that I didn't buy enough potatoes and buys more
5. Leaving us with a huge pot of mashed potatoes...anybody have a good recipe for leftover mashed potatoes?

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