Life with Alice

By elirin

The Playdate

Me and my friend Bonnie had a play date today. Me and mum met up with Bonnie and her dad and then we walked together out into the nature reserve.

Bonnie is about twice my size. She is half a spaniel, and stupid mum has forgotten what else. She is a few months younger than me, and very playful, which makes us two a very good match. We both like to chase, to wrestle and to go matches with our paws in the air! Bonnie is also very well behaved, and wears neither a collar nor a lead in the city.

Anyway. We played all the way through the first oak meadows and had a great time. When we were near the exit, another dog came walking towards us. He was probably five times as big as me. It turned out he was a nine month old puppy, his name was Pärson and he and Bonnie were friends.

They started playing very violently with each other, lots of biting and body tackling and growling going on. Mum lifted me up out of harm's way, and was nearly knocked over by Pärson running into her! When they started chasing each other, I howled loudly and tried to get DOWN! But mum vetoed this. She and I went the other way while Bonnie and Pärson got to go on with their game.

Hmph. I am tougher than some people think...

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