A Flying Visit

Scarlett was very happy to see the boys today, although we only had an hour and a half with her before she went to pre-school. Violet was at nursery as she has a couple of sessions per week, just for a couple of hours to get her used to it for when Rachel goes back to work in January.

So we walked the boys to school with Scarlett and then went to pick up Violet. I needed to go to IKEA, so we had lunch there, and then had a wander round the store - I didn't get what I wanted which was a first! Then we went back to Rachel's briefly before she went to pick up Scarlett and I set off to Lorraine's.

The traffic was quite heavy, but I made good time until I got to the A14 to Kettering. I was only 13 miles from Lorraine's and the traffic came to a standstill and it turned out there had been an accident between a lorry and a car.

They were in the process of removing the vehicles and it added another hour and a half to do the 13 miles and I finally arrived at 7.30pm.

Lorraine had dinner ready and the Prosecco was chilled, then a friend of hers cane round to do her nails, so I decided to have mine done too :-)

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