Life In Wales

By KarenC

Jack Frost

I left home at 7.30am to drive to mum's and it was such a beautiful morning.  I stopped to get some shots of the sun rising over the sea before I actually left and was going to blip one of those, but as I was driving along the motorway, everywhere was white as there was a heavy frost so I decided to come off the motorway so I could stop to get some pictures.  I took the junction off the M40 just before the Oxford Services and drove down a country lane and came across a windmill which I've put in my extras.

The boys are with me this time, so I let them out for a quick toilet break and then headed back to the motorway via a lovely little village full of thatched cottages.  I don't know the name of where I was, but it was really lovely.

I got to mum's for 1pm, had a bit of lunch and then I took her to the hospital to see Aunty Nan.  If you remember she got taken into hospital after I went to see her in October and she's been there ever since.  They keep saying she'll be going home soon and then she takes a turn for the worst again.  She said they've said she might go home on Friday but she's so frail and had another fall again on Tuesday, so we'll have to wait and see.

I came back to mum's to stay the night and went out with Debbie my old school friend to an Italian restaurant in the village.  Alan and I are actually going there on Christmas Day with mum and it was very nice, so I shall look forward to that!

I'm heading to Rachel's to see my girls in the morning and then driving to Lorraine's in Kettering where I'm staying until Saturday, so apologies for lack of comments over the next few days.

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