The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Heart breaker

This is the little puppy at the gym I mentioned last week. Little puppy has a lovely Mummy and Daddy and the cutest sibling...every day I go the gym I see them sleeping at the temple and, when they are awake, I go and feed them. Today they were all snuggled up against the railings when I arrived...little pup came right up to the camera to check it was me... and then nipped back to lie next to the other little pup so that they could discuss if it really was the biscuit lady! Then they put on their cutest facesbefore rushing up to me with Mum to see what goodies I had! I took so many photos there were too many to pick from. They are adorable!

So, the day included...wake, eggs, read, gym session, breakfast, read, lunch, read, gym session two, dinner, hunt for R&B music for the gym on iTunes, FaceTime parents, go to bed. Pretty normal day at the office really! Except the electricity was off from 10am until 4pm which was longer than expected and a bit inconvenient. But there has been 45% less rain this monsoon so the electricity is in short supply. I don't think Paul will get much in the winter...nightmare. They are digging the roads up outside the gym and have young boys as labourers laying pipes - god knows what for. But the sight of a small JCB digger to do the heavy work drew large crowds of onlookers. Very amusing, not really a spectator sport in the UK. How much we take for granted back home.

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