
By mef13

Market Day

As a small town, Romsey is fortunate to have a market on three days a week, and if you count the monthly Farmers’ Market, every four or five weeks there are four  in a week.
Admittedly I do not visit each and every time the market is open, but though it is relatively tiny with perhaps no more than a dozen stalls, it has become firmly fixed in the town’s events.
When I first moved to Romsey, I recall it was held just once a week, in the car park of a local hotel. So it has come a long way since those days, and certainly the variety of what’s on offer has changed.
Next time, I hear that there is likely to be a presence by an onion man from Roscoff. Yes, a real French onion Johnny!   Many years ago we used to have one call on us regularly.

So you can bet your life I will not be missing the next market!

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