It's Christmas

I've been waiting for the 'right' picture to restart the daily photo, there's no right picture I've realised, nor is there the right time, just do it.  The Christmas tree has just gone up, so what better way to choose the moment. So much has happened since I stopped putting up pictures, I've missed it very much and have often taken a picture of the day, just failed to do anything with it. 

In brief, we're finally in our own place, albeit rented, and have happily been here since August - moving in two weeks after Robin arrived, so we are one very happy family.  The husband is studying for a masters, so we are having quite a special year, I think we will remember it very fondly when we both have full time jobs once again and can't spend a Friday afternoon putting up the Christmas tree followed by scoffing home-made mince pies. 

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