Christmas concert

I've love the sensation of accelerating towards Christmas: more and more Christmassy events and the adrenaline rush of realising I haven't actually purchased those last few presents that I thought I'd get nearer the time*.

Tonight was the school Christmas concert. In fact, there are two: one at the church, next week, and the one in the school, which is a bit more secular, this evening. There were performances from the saxophone quartet, wind group, boys' choir, folk ensemble etc etc and my absolute favourite, the jazz band. 

It's jazz in the big band style - as opposed to improvisational - and the chap who conducts it makes brilliant use of the huge sound. In fact, watching him conduct is a joy in itself. Dan plays guitar in the band (although I couldn't see him from where I was) and there's another guitarist and bassist, along with the drummer and all of the trombones, trumpets, saxophones and what have you. With thirty or so performers, it's a mighty sound.

It's amazing the difference a drummer makes to a band like that, despite only being one component of the sound. The current drummer is only in year 8 but he's absolutely superb. I'm not talking so much about the technical, dashing and dancing around the kit ability, more that facility to strike a groove and keep everything locked down without sounding like a drum machine. 

Aided by a glass of wine in the interval, I came out feeling full of Christmas spirit. I'm hoping to really enjoy this last couple of weeks of this rather crappy year and then see if 2017 doesn't turn out to be a bit better than its older sibling.

*Although not with any actual reason for putting it off other than indulging in a bit of procrastination. I don't think this gets talked about enough, actually. Yes, it's a pain in the backside most of the time if you are a procrastinator but then on the other hand there's a real pleasure to be taken in not getting on with something** just for the hell of it, which is a joy that your non-procrastinator misses out on. 

** As long as it's not something vital like washing your clothes or collecting one of your children from somewhere.

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