Sun rise and ......
...... flowers!
This morning I was up before 8am and saw this beautiful sun rise then I saw through my glass front door a box, could it be flowers , yes it could and was.
My daughter from " up north" had sent this lovely bouquet , thank you C and F they are beautiful . My house looks like a florist shop many thanks to all who's made it so.
I don't think I'll be doing too much today , I'll just flip the vacuum around , maybe go to the garden centre for a cuppa with A. After tomorrow I won't see him until late next week. He's off to Birmingham to " work" I'm not sure what it's all about except to say it's to do with outside broadcasting technology !! Don't ask!!! Still as long as he's save that's all that matters, we will open our presents this evening? Exciting , I shall be having 2 Christmas Day ( sort of any way) , we are having salmon for evening meal so that's a bit Christmas fare food " like"! Before that home made chicken soup for lunch .
Happy ..... to have a quiet day. Time to think , meditate and not rush around.
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