My day in a .....
..... nutshell!!
A checked my car tyres one is very dodgy , no puncture lots of wear on it but it looses air quickly, needs attention after Christmas.
A and I exchanged presents today , I was pleased with my new mobile which I'm sure will retain charge better than the one I have now. A was pleased with his camera . I went to the hairdressers this pm and my stylist went haywire with my iPad so it had to be collaged??? I've deleted so many still they're full of fun.
I must say since lunch time I have gradually felt more and more unwell do hope it won't last?
News from Rosemary's daughter this evening was very sad she is fading fast , not eating or drinking ( can't swallow) therefore all medication has been withdrawn. I'm so pleased I saw her on Tuesday , she new me and said ( tho' in a whisper) yes please when I offered her a drink, and pursed her lips for a kiss goodbye. Bless her she is comfortable and without pain so that's all one can wish for.
Happy .... to be home by the fire and hopping to feel better soon.
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