Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Wednesday -- Calico Sky

I've not removed the wires from this photo because I just didn't want to. Standing here looking out of our front windows at that great big expanse of sky -- well, we hardly see or notice the wires (the camera exaggerates them) and if I crop them from the photo, the photo looks so elongated. So, there it is in its naked uglyness. If that's ugly, I'll take ugly.

Today we've pretty much finished addressing the envelopes for our annual Christmas card. We are slow-pokes in every way -- getting the card created, getting the envelopes addressed, getting it mailed. We get distracted easily and find ourselves chasing butterflies. Is that an attribute of old age?

This should have been the year that we stopped doing our annual Christmas card, but with Ashly's graduation from Cal Poly and her November wedding, well it just didn't feel right to not put together the story from Funville.

I originally started the card years ago so that Mr. Fun could send it to all the people, especially senior citizens, he was involved with. We still receive cards from little old ladies who tell us they enjoy getting our Christmas card. Crazy!

So that's our Wednesday tale, the first day of winter 2016, Wow! We arrived here one week ago. We have enjoyed every minute of our time this first week of winter recess on California's Central Coast.

Till tomorrow,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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