
Stunning sunrise from my hotel room window - the start of another super day I hope. I began with a swim (the pool is two doors down - indoor sadly but we can't have everything).

The returning group (probably about 80 of us - assorted ages from 50 to late 90s) had a lovely evening. Mulled wine. Mince pies. Bridge.

There's a great team running the hotel, several Asian chefs, so when we saw Lamb curry on the menu we were quite excited.

Sadly, it was a very mild lamb stew. I doubt a proper spice had even been pointed in the right direction. One waiter said they were more interested in flavour than heat (laughable- in a blind tasting it would have been indistinguishable from the cannelloni or the chicken pie).

I spoke to one of the Indian chefs who admitted cooking it. He agreed that it was gentle. I asked him if he would have served it to his family. He looked horrified :-)

I explained to him that although we were ancient looking and traditional, many of the group had travelled to India and there were lots of us who live in places like Birmingham and Manchester and are used to tasty Indian food. He smiled and said he'd cook me a real one. I asked if that was a promise.

During the evening at least half a dozen of us agreed that that would be great. We'd like a chicken curry please. Will we be lucky ?....watch this space.

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