Shadow puppet

Today's the day ........................... to see the light

There's a big family gathering up in Edinburgh today - something that has been part of the Christmas tradition for many years.  There were eleven of us sitting down for a delicious meal this evening - twelve, if you count Tessa. 

This year, Chloe introduced us to the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, by lighting the fourth candle on the menorah.  But there's another tradition that has been happening from time immemorial and that's the annual Christmas Golden Oldie slide show.  When I say 'slide' show, I really mean the old 35mm photographic slides - that you need a projector and a screen to show them on.  It requires an operator to stand there and manually change the slides and when you do, it makes a very particular noise that is very much part of the whole experience.

The other thing that always happens during the slide show is that if there is any time when a slide is not being projected, members of the audience can do their own thing and produce shadow creations on the screen.  Invariably, these creations are just as entertaining as the rest of the show ........................... 

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