Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse


Heavy rain this morning but didn't allow it to spoil a perfectly good day. After lunch the sun came through (weakly) but it was dry by then and remained warm. Walked the fields with Bracken and the farm animals were out in force. I just cannot resist the tup. He is in a field on his own and I think he likes company. When I called to him he came running down the field- caught in blip. He loves having his head rubbed and would stay there as long as anyone is prepared to give him attention. The bonus is lovely soft hands afterwards from the lanolin in his very thick fleece.
An evening visit to The Dog & Gun tonight, a wee bit later as friends are joining us. A nice change.
Excited about tomorrow, meeting daughters 1 and 2 in York! (Think I can spare you a jar K!)

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