Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

From A to G...

And back to A and then a quickie to B. I've hanged around A most of the day, chatting with people, helping out with guarding an exhibition, trying to make photos in another exhibition hang straight on the wall instead of hanging not so straight and also falling to the floor. Tricky one that one, but the photographer should have arrived now and he will have to fix the photos himself. Then I went up to G to pick up a framed photo and carry down to A again. The frame was about 40x70 so it was a rather large photo to carry through a part of the city. Yes, I did get a lot of attention, and so did the photo. I tried to have this 'This is normal I do it every day' look on my face. It has been a fun day! And before I went home I went to B, a gallery with several photographers exhibiting their photos, to leave a couple of information thingies.
Then I did a fun and a little brave thing when I was home... I'll tell you on Sunday if it worked.
Tomorrow I will be guarding one of the exhibitions on location A, and listen to a lecture in "The visual language of documentation photography", really interesting and useful!
I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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