Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

And then it got better

By morning the snow was hilariously deep. When it is the full length of your legs it is impossible to fall over. Made it to the sheep shed, all well. Made it to the chicken house and retrieved three eggs, one of which was a double - poor hen! Also rescued a finch or a tit or some kind of little bird. Later I climbed all the way to the top, over the brow of the hill where the crazy French mansion perches and a little way down the other side to join the 'public highway'. I wrote ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ in big letters in the snow to alert the next passing JCB that we wouldn't mind being dug out next time he is passing and I noted that a downed branch is lying heavily across our power supply cable.

About 25 hours after we lost power we got it back again. Madly trying to catch up with important business while we have the opportunity as we don't know if we will lose power again before we can get out.
And yes! Blip is important business!

1 Just very pretty
2 A self-made snow roly-poly
3 The terrace outside our bedroom from where I take my Sunday shots is thigh-deep.

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