Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Bang Bang You're Dead!

But after all the pretty fun and games not all of the casualties spring back to life again.

Olive trees, more than any other species I know, do not cope well with snow. Yes there are some casualties among the almonds and the pines, but nothing serious, nothing to weep over. Mother sheep is ecstatic! She and the lambs will nibble the leaves, huge limbs will be rolled over so that the woolly family can access the leaves underneath and wooden carcasses will be dragged away, cut into stove-sized pieces and left in piles here and there to season for a year or two. It'll provide a good couple of winter's heating most likely.

Last night there was a phone call from Nikos, the deputy mayor.
“Are you OK?” He asked.
“Yes” I said “We're OK”
“My brother went by and saw 'ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ'”
“Yes” I said, “That was me. We do not need help but we did not want to be forgotten when the road is cleared”
“Ah! OK. Good”
“Oh but Nikos, one thing, how long will it be before the road is open? We are OK but we have lambs and their mother is not feeding them, in a few days we will need to get more milk”
“OK, if the road is not open and there is something that you need, someone can bring it”

Great community!

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