Observations in time

By walkingwummin

Flying into Denver

Today was a very long day-we arrived in Denver before we took off in New Zealand-now there's a thought to blow my mind!

We started off at Butterfly Creek which also housed Dinosaur World and an outdoor play centre-so something for all children.
Having said good-bye to S, W, E, G and the girlies, we headed to the airport to relax before our flight.

The immigration palaver in L.A. was something else and seemed to take forever. After waiting in line to process yourself through the self passport thingy and have your photo and fingerprints taken, you were then directed to miles of snaking lines before doing the same in front of the immigration official! I thought everyone's face was a picture-tired, jet-lagged travellers, weary of it all and seemingly no end in site.

Anyway, a short hop later and we arrived in Colorado which still feels like home after all these years.
We lived here from 1980 to 1982 and our daughter Wanderscot was born here. This trip is a great chance to catch up with old friends and we are looking forward to every bit of it.
The Rockies are majestic as always and you can see a little of the smog in this picture sitting above Denver.  Must rake my vest out of the bag as it's rather chilly!

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