Observations in time

By walkingwummin

Red Cardinal

This bird and the Blue Jay always remind me of here-we arrived in Loveland yesterday and unfortunately had to head 50 miles back down the road to retrieve J's credit card which is luckily still at the car hire place!

We have had such fun with our old friends and did a bit of shopping for (non-iron) shirts before meeting up with B and S for dinner. I'd forgotten how the Coloradoans like their meat-J is in his element!
The news yesterday was that Crested Butte in the mountains has had 90 inches (7.5 feet) of snow in the past 10 days. They closed the schools for the first time in 30 years and also the ski slopes. Our friend's daughter paid to have her roof cleared and now her sons can walk out onto the snow from their second floor bedroom windows!!! 

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