
We are well into 2017 now and whilst chatting to the children last week something Joshua said jolted me awake.
"Dad did you know we did the 1982 Falklands Conflict in history classes"
So I explained that thirty years is not really that long a time.
1957 - I was living with my 'Big' Nan and Granddad in Selwyn Road for a while.
1967 - I was at the 'Naughty Boys' school in Brighton.
1977 - Living in Plymouth serving in the West Indies amongst other places aboard HMS Fearless
1987 - Living in Belfast whilst serving in Northern Ireland
1997 - Living in Falmouth Married Clare and service in the Falkland Islands
2007 - Still in Falmouth, working at Rowes
2017 - Still in Falmouth, working as an electrician and content with life.

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