To fiddle or not to fiddle...
and I don't mean with one's self OR a musical instrument.I mean with photoshop !! this morning I leap from bed early .... when I say early,what I mean is by MY standards.. 10.30am and it felt like the middle of the night ...anyhooo I lept like a salmon so I could begin 'sorting' stuff for going away tomorrow and also pack the car up.. well,we got a little bit waylaid and ended up school shoe shopping and also buying hockey boots,not for me,I don't do sports.... oh and a gum shield .. also not for me,for Eve.
Right so,when we get home we leap into action....
well,Tit's McGee popped round to give Eve a party invitation from Flora and .... wellllllllll one coffee lead to another and then... I had a little lie down.... and then IN A MAD MENTAL PANIC I BEGAN TO ASSEMBLE .... hang on,I am composing myself... I began to assemble all we need....
it is now 8.10pm and we are packed.... done... I am on the sofa with chocolate and a cup of tea......I dunno how I cope ;)
p.s this photo has sod all to do with today I just forgot to take a picture until after I had finished fannying about being lazy :D
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