Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Take a break ...

Sitting in slimfasts and wookies caravan ... Me and Slim have sent the boys and Eve and Sam to the supermarket whilst Lucy the polar bear and twisted pixie (Mae) watch SHREK on the computer ...
We had a brilliant journey down here minimal traffic and the tent was up by midday .. After the caravan was pitched we headed down to the beach to meet my old pal Burnsie and her men .. Eve and Magnus swam in their clothes about 5 minutes after we said don't get wet I have the wetsuits .. Bugger them we left them to it ... Lucy and Sam then copied and we thought bugger them also and left them to it ... Burnsies lovely husband Tony cooked is a BBQ on the beach it pissed with rain and we cared not a jot ... All the men went surfing and we got soaked :D
Back at the camp the clothes are washed and now in a massive tumble dryer ... The children have blue lips .. They look like they have heart conditions ... so we are taking them to the pub ...

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