
After a good play with the chickens and a bit more tidying up on my allotment it was a recycling run today. I just love recycling! Had rather a lot of plastic stretching back before xmas! On my way out I decided to take some of the pots littering up the front garden by the house wall. Well! Major clear up of broken potting trays and move around of pots that got put there when I had my conservatory built and never cut the mustard for being returned! As I was doing this Walking Woman came by and stopped to ask how I was - she had heard I wasn't doing well! Oh the village grapevine! 
Next chat was with the son of my new neighbours who came out for a cup of tea and a cigarette on their front steps - he's helping his dad and aunt move in, or it could be his mum and his uncle! I showed him a deliciously fat bodied black spider I found on one of the trays! Dad / Uncle then arrived with  the most gorgeous Boxer dog - only 14 months old and deliciously wrinkled face - just wanted to grab them  like one would a child's cheeks and wobble them!!! I thought I had very occasionally heard a dogs bark! 
Anyway..... recycling done, mash for chickens, food for fatcat and wild bird food bought I  headed home - faffed around taking photos of bulbs coming up in a pretty pot, went up to put the girls to bed, made diner, looked at photos and messed around for ages with them - didn't like so here you have my desperation photo of the view from my sofa in the front room! 

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