Book Bug Up Helly Aa

Another overcast day, but the sun tried to get out in the afternoon.  It's been fairly mild for the time of year.

It's my weekend on in the museum, and it's been a very busy day, mostly local folk, with about 500 visitors.  In the morning we had book bug, and then a busy lunchtime and also plenty of folk coming in for the new exhibition, photos by fishermen.  There's also been plenty more in for my unknown people exhibition, and this is the last week of it.  Off out tonight to the Return.  It's the second weekend of the Scalloway Fire Festival, this time it's all the squads getting to watch each others acts.

We had 228 visitors in one hour this morning, and that was mostly for the library book bug session.  There was viking stories to begin with, and then they had their own peerie Up Helly Aa procession.  The Lerwick Up Helly Aa isn't far away now, so the bairns are getting excited.  Taken in Da Gadderie, Shetland Museum, Lerwick.  

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