
By AnnieBScotland

lurking behind the lavender..

I have an escargotoire of snails! try saying that with your teeth out!

in the herb trough that is built onto the garage wall I have one lonely lavender flower - this is culinary lavender, not that I have ever cooked with it - but behind the foliage and the rest of the herbs there lurk at least 17 snails of various sizes! the collective name is either an escargotoire (I like this the best], a rout or a walk!! I noticed about 5 or 6 a few days ago, but they must have been telling their pals what a good gaff it was and invited them round. I don't mind, I would just like one of them to pop out of their shell so I could get a decent photo!

On Saturday, for the first time in my life, I was stung by a wasp and I have blip to blame! before I would have just dashed for the 'raid' and zapped it, but this time I tried to 'encourage' it out of the house and it didn't take too kindly to it. result - one very sore, swollen finger. the pharmacist has just told me to bathe it in vinegar...

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