Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Very cold today, so I stayed in. Apart from a couple of nips out to fetch more firewood, and to contemplate fixing the bird station, but didn't. Archie went out with Becky in the afternoon. JR popped out to the supermarket. I hardly moved. Except, of course, to do my leg stretches most some of the time.

I watched the Andrew Marr Show in bed, then got up and watched tennis, flipping back to the Daily Politics. Tennis was better. I even watched Andy's match, though I knew he'd been beaten. He played well, none of the histrionics after too many unforced errors. But the other chap was just too good on the day. And that's what the top tennis players face in every single match.

I read all the papers and opinion pieces in my iPad, and JR picked up the free paper while at the supermarket. But I find them so unwieldy now, I can't be bothered. And it's such tiny printing! I'm sure it never used to be. No problems on the iPad, of course, just make it bigger.

I had to resort to my £1.50 fold-up reading glasses, but couldn't see the tennis over the top of the paper at the same time. Besides, I found I'd read most of the articles already on the iPad. Still, the newspaper is good kindling.

Talking of Kindles, I've been tempted for a while by either an Audible, Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime membership, as we're both listening to audio books, mostly from Radio 4. Too complicated - in one you get to keep the book (using up masses of memory on your phone) in the other it's just on loan, but they don't have the huge selection. So I just popped to my local (digital) library, downloaded an audio book for free, and it's ready for this evening.

Homeland returns tonight. Though it's never as good as I expect it to be, as in the first series.

Archie insisted on trying on my specs. I think He thinks he looks quite distinguished in them.

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