Five things

By fivethings


1. Up early to get to Edinburgh. First up it's Pondlife McGurk, which is every bit as brilliant as everyone told me it was. Heart wrenching, funny and very, very good.

2. A mad dash to the Assembly Rooms where I meet out Champions, well 13 of the 15. They all go into the show, while I nip to that place in Dundas street for a swift bite to eat.

3. When the show comes out we all head next door to the Standing Order. Not a pub I would normally choose, but there's 16 of us and I reckon we need some space that only a jumbo Wetherspoons can provide. This is the round of drinks. As ever, meeting our Champions makes me proud and happy and is probably just exactly what I needed and a great way to end the Festival.

4. Back in Glasgow I meet Colin in Sloans for a blether, but someone flicked the switch to winter and no one shut the doors so we head off in search of warmth.

5. We find it in Gandolfi bar. There's a trio of pate and toast, followed by a pair of Frangelicas. They taste like our holidays. They taste of warmth.

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