Produit de Coublevie

Today's the day ....................... for a special delivery

There we were this afternoon - catching up on the first episode of the new Homeland  series - when the doorbell went.

It was a special delivery of a parcel which was quite heavy and in quite a big box.  It was Intriguing to say the least because we weren't expecting anything.  It turned out to be a selection of goodies - jars of pear and wild bramble conserve, honey and a bottle of sirop de thym - all homemade by Benoit and Barbara Chaze, the son and daughter-in-law of our good friends Marc and Marie Claire.  How nice was that!

It all arrived in perfect condition - because it was beautifully packed with lots of padding including a piece of cloth wrapped around the sirop.   I think it had begun life as a t-shirt but even now was a thing of beauty (see extra).  It was a memento from the 35th Coup Icaree - a festival held annually in the high Vercors to celebrate everything to do with free flight, wind and other aerial sports.  Nothing but the best for our parcel.

Merci beaucoup Ben et Barbara! - votre cadeau nous a donné beaucoup de plaisir .....................  

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