Big hand

Today's the day ........................ for a song and dance

There's been lots of controversy about the new film recently released - La La Land.

It seems you either love it or hate it - and if you are of the latter persuasion, there seem to be many reasons why you might be objecting to it.  Someone that I know had been to see it and said that she nearly walked out half way through because she thought it was so awful.  So when we went to see it today, we weren't sure what we would make of it.

I'm pleased to say that - we both absolutely loved it!  It probably helped that we already liked the two main actors, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling - having seen them interviewed on the Graham Norton Show.  Here's a trailer for the film as a taster.

And as to the picture above - well it's a quirky image from our very own La La Land.  Will did a bit of gardening today ............................

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