Quaking in our boots!

Well I missed all the fun of the fair yesterday afternoon. While I was merrily on my way to last nights depression session at Celtic Connections our village in Argyll had a small earthquake. WE did notice our dogs were excitable before we left but we put that down to them seeing their dinner in their bowls early!! Now I'm thinking maybe they knew something wasn't right . Haven't had a chance to talk to folks yet but some heard a loud bang while others felt the earth move!!!! (there's no answer to that one) Anyhow today it's blowing a hooley south easterly. I did hope for bigger waves but patience and being almost blown off the pier are not my idea of  a good thing.
Off to our camera club tonight though with this wind Ithink only the mad ones will venture out

Happy Rabbie Burns day to you all and raise a glass or two. Slante Mhath

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