Take Two . . . Wide Angle Perspective Distortion

Equivalent ff
Angle of view distorts scene
Learning perspective

Today I wanted to be more confident with using my camera lens at it's widest angle.  I now know it is not very wide and getting barrel distortion was not going to happen.  However I can mess with the perspective of a scene and that's good enough to be going on with.  I had a play at the cemetery and those shots were okay but it was very bright and I didn't like the colour tones much.  I stopped in at the liquor store for a new bottle of Gin and was delighted to see the biggest range of Gins I have ever seen.  Sadly they are also rather expensive so I went back to my usual brand.  I did enjoy looking at the different shaped bottles.  It's the little things that amuse the newly retired. Anyway I took the camera down the street and found this walkway to practice in.  Feeling more in control of what I'm doing now.

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