A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What are the chances?

Of playing a game of Yahtzee with Jackson and him not ending up super grumpy at the end?

Higher than you might imagine given the luck : strategy ratio of the game. Though there was quite a sarcastic edge to the "great rolling mom" when I got this.

Anyway, I think it is kind of a good sign that he is getting restless with the activities we have available and is looking for new stuff to do. Even if it is games we haven't played in a long time as they have fallen down the league table. And despite last night's dip there has been piano and a dog walk today too. If all goes well next week then there will hopefully be schoolwork to provide the variety.

The rest of the day seems to have been spent keeping warm. It has been soooo cold.

Lesley x

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