A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Old Lady

Friends reference. But also how I’m feeling after a slightly too late night for an early start and a non-stop day. That hasn’t quite stopped yet as, joy of joys, Anna’s Friday evening taxi needs to be an hour later due to extra tap coaching. Very possibly for the next 4 weeks as well but I’m head in the sands about the delayed start to Friday evenings.

At least with Carl at his belated Christmas do until well into the small hours and me out too last night we had no plans for this evening beyond making it through to an early bedtime.

We have all made time for the music that makes us happiest though so that’s all good. Though later I have to tell Anna that she also has to do music that doesn’t make her happy because her school say so. They really didn’t give a better reason than that so tomorrow we probably have to decide whether it’s worth the battle or she should just suck it up.

Lesley x

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