From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Wait for me! I'm running as fast as I can!

I'm afraid we're back to my feathered friends for a couple of days. I really miss them when in Brum which is why I end up taking pictures of Bony or clocks. Oh how I miss my lovely skeleton! I wish I could bring him up here for a holiday. Mom thinks he's horrible though when I've shown her the pictures, so it wouldn't be fair on either of them.

I can just imagine him on the beach gazing out to sea and waving at the kids or doing his impression of Kate Winslet on the prow of the ferry going across to the Isle of Arran. Ahh poor Bony!

Stop rambling, Roz! Oh yes, back to the seagulls! There were plenty of them strolling around opposite TK Maxx so I spent a happy half an hour taking pictures.

I liked these two trying to ignore me while their pal looked as if he was trying to catch them up running along on his little legs and flapping in the background.

Track - let's have some classic Pink Floyd, shall we?

Run Like Hell

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