Live those dream, Scheme those Scheme

“Choose Blip
Choose A Camera, Find a spot, point, and hope that something beautiful appears.
Choose looking up other blips and, wishing you’d done it like that
And choose looking at your old ideas repeat themselves
Choose your next shot
Choose a story, no offence, just laughs, maybe tears
Choose a moment in the day, no work escapism, and light
And choose the moment, that will make people oooh, make a heart,

hit the popular button, and a like. 
And then… take a deep breath
You’re an addict, so be addicted
Just be addicted to Blip
Choose the ones you love
Choose your future
Choose life”

With apologies to Mr Boyle, Messrs McGregor, Bremner, Carlisle, Millar Et All. 

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