A literary day

This morning I was speaking at two events in Glasgow, the second of which was held in the Bridie Library in Glasgow University  Union .  The plaque above the fire place commemorates the writer after whom the room is named and who is long overdue a revival .  It is even hard, as I discovered some time ago, to find copies of many of his plays in print.   

Only the BBC were able to lay their hands on a copy  "The Bakie Charivari" for me when I needed to see one but in reading it certainly lived up to its description as his " most original, elaborate, and daunting play " and it would be wonderful to see it revived.   

This evening I delivered the "Immortal Memory" at the Cowal SNP Burns Supper at which the many raffle prizes were grouped round a portrait of another, but much better known and constantly celebrated, writer.   His works were well performed and enthusiasm was undimmed for his contribution to our national story and our way of seeing ourselves. 

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