Give me your tired, your poor...

Yesterday was spent, gloriously, away from BBC News or my twitter feed. However, the ignorant bliss couldn't possibly continue and it seems like we're all now aware of Trump's new policy which is, in his words, 'working out very nicely' and our own PM's spineless refusal to outright condemn such horrendous views and actions. On my run this morning I was catching up on Radio 4's Religious News from earlier today. Whilst Trump's ban seems to go against all of the teaching of Scripture, it was heartening to hear of a Synagogue in Streatham who are raising £50,000 to convert some of their buildings into accommodation for Syrian refugees. The new development will be called "Abraham's Tent" because of the welcome that Abraham gave to the stranger who he welcomed as a neighbour.  A good lesson. I can't change Trump's mind (can anyone?!) but I can try to live as Jesus taught, to love my neighbour as myself. 

Steeling myself for an emotional week ahead.

The young person who had such terrible news in the week is one of our choir members, as is her fiancé, and we do love them dearly! I'm due to take photos at their wedding in 2018. Unfortunately, they have found out that no treatment is possible and have given her mum just four weeks to live. On Wednesday they are having a wedding blessing so that her mum can be a part of their marriage and so I have the honour of photographing that special and heartbreaking moment for them.

And then on Thursday we will say our final goodbyes to Granddad. 

Praying that there will be some moments of joy and closeness with Jesus during the inevitable hard times.

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