A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's sunny oop north

The Northern Powerhouse* has done itself proud today. Not only did the rain clouds part once we'd passed Birmingham but we have had a great appointment with a really fabulous Dr at the shiny newish Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

Heading back south now. (Well we are now that Carlos the homing pigeon has turned the car around and we are no longer en route to Leyland.) And as soon as we passed Birmingham the rain started. Really, don't believe a word of the propaganda, it's just designed to keep us away, the North really does have it all.

A long day and a little tired to write a lot of detail but for those of you kindly paying attention to J's ongoing medical journey: essentially the Dr believes that most likely there is a problem with J's HPA axis. The good news of which is that, in her experience, over time there is no reason to believe this won't heal itself. Lots of things explored and discussed and many things still on the table to investigate and explore as we go on which makes us all feel good. As school, etc is going well (started well anyway) we are going to continue as we are with a slight refinement to his meds for a couple of months and then take him to the shiny hospital for testing during the Easter holidays. Apparently the rooms have mood lighting so I shall plan my blip accordingly. This also means we are indefinitely postponing taking the boy to a clinic across the Pond which is a big sigh of relief all round.

I kind of feel like we've done a week in two days but all worth it. I even squeezed in a trip see Lion last night. A lovely film.

Lesley x

* I saw it on a sign so it must be true

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