House. Or not.

Today was one of those days that I felt I never really fully woke up. I had to cancel a meeting this morning because I felt too tired and emotionally fragile. I couldn't put off my school visit at lunch time though and I had to face the consequences of some potential child protection issues that came up last week. I don't feel like I've given my kids the best over the last few weeks but I'm determined to get back on track now.

This evening I got the news that my buyer had pulled out. Obviously, I was in a great emotional state of mind to hear this. Apparently she's changed her mind about the leasehold, which is annoying because that's not new information. If she could have worked this out a couple of weeks ago before I fell in love with a house and shelled out a whole bunch of cash, that would have been greatly appreciated. I've made my mind up that my dream house is gone. Call it self preservation. Here we go again.

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