Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 5/7: City of Dreams

Today was a big day at uni with one thing and another. Fridays have become true busiest day which is alright because you get the weekend to wrap your head around all the information you've pummelled into your head.

It's interesting because up until this module I had pretty much disregarded the idea of being able to do anything in my field of artistry to do lack of motivation and positivity. Often as a budding artist you're told how hard it is and how you'll never make it but you'll be even more surprised that a lot of people do. There's so much funding and opportunities out there that I had no idea about! I really didn't. And here I am sitting on my sofa actually thinking 'wait....what if I can actually do this?!' And getting excited at the idea of living my actual dream and not 'joining the rat race' as my dad put it.

Maybe it will turn out okay.

Happy Blipping.

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