Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 6/7: Bright Idea

Crazy to think we are on day 6 already! We've come so far. 

So as my degree show on the 9th June, I really need to buck my ideas up of what the actual hell I'm going to make/show. I've been doing some rough sketches of what I'm going to do or what I might do. This is one of them. If you can imagine the back of the book being wood or metal and then the pages being engraved (somehow) porcelain clay slabs that make sort of a fake book? With metal rings in the middle sort of like a ring binder? I mean, it's one of many ideas at this point. But the slab rolled text thing is sort of a theme throughout them all. 

This weekend has been a quiet one! I watched a film called 'Room' which totally messed with me and I couldn't sleep for thinking about what would happen if I got captured. Maybe I'll stick to something light hearted today. 

Happy Blipping.

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