The Enchantress

I do hate to use the word...but I am ENCHANTED with the hummer moth. Maybe because it's the closest I can get to real hummers.

I had 4-5 of the little creatures on one butterfly bush, along with a couple of butterflies, and a ton of bees. I shun the bees when I can get these beauties.

A walk to the millpond found a lot of people out. I put 2 pictures on my Flickr page of a Mom and her daughter, and of 2 young lovebirds. The 2 teens hugged, but didn't perhaps they are just good friends. Feel free to make up your own story. Plus...there are 2 pictures from my favorite thistle bush.

My dinner is almost ready. Scalloped potatoes with chops. Then...I must put together my tour guide notes, and finalize my trip plans. We're leaving on Sunday. Hoping to escape the closing stages of Hurricane Isaac as we head east.

Unlike hummers...I have never seen one of these hummer moths at rest. They never stop. Very hard to photograph when they won't sit still....but...we always keep trying.

Please forget that I ever used the word enchanted...twice! on LARGE if you like "tongue."

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