St Mary's churchyard

I had a nice day, today. A (working) breakfast with the Minx at Rosie Posie's, which is our new favourite place to have breakfast, and the a drive home for a school meeting, albeit one held in a tearoom on the market square in Kirkby Lonsdale. 

I had enough time to park up at the house and walk down, to "get some steps in", as we Fitbit wearers are wont to say. It was a love, clear, chilly day, and my route took me through the churchyard of St Mary's, which looked rather lovely in the low sun. I'm not sure I've done it justice really.

And, after the meeting, I popped across to the office for three or four hours and then had very relaxed evening with Dan and Abi, although Dan wasn't home until later as he is in the final week of rehearsals for the school show. Poor chap; with exams looming, too, he's becoming imbued with a meta-tiredness.


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