
By skillyjeff

Lizard skin wood

Back here in something
Soft wind shimmering with sting
And lizard skin wood.

Today I returned again to the old Bromley Park ruin near my home for a photo. I have blipped this ruin before. As I have said I find this place intriguing but also a bit creepy. The more I visit it, the easier it gets. The ruin is decaying with the considerable help of two big old pepper trees that were probably planted by the first owners in their front garden more than a hundred years ago. The owners are long gone but the trees are thriving, huge and growing into the building, weakening the walls. Today I was taken by the strange look of the dead branches from one of the trees , in particular its contrast with the nettles growing alongside it.
I am going to make this ruin a project. It and its surrounds are full of photo opportunities even though I have so far had trouble nailing them. Tomorrow I will return and try for a photo that conveys the creepy feeling I get.

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