Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Waiting for the harvester

A thoroughly miserable day until about 4 pm, which is when I took this image. I'd just visited the country club where my wife and I had our wedding reception. It looks a bit different. It lies abandoned and unused. Walking around the site brought back vivid memories of 25 years ago. I met the owners, and their planning agent to discuss potential re-use of the site.

I was hoping to take some photographs for blip, but I just couldn't let myself record the state it was in. I want to remember it on the day we got married, not as it is now, unloved and vandalised.

So instead you have a shot of a barley field.

I konw some people like to know how it was taken so it has a 2 stop ND grad to hold detail in the sky. On getting home I converted to black and white using Silver Efex Pro (fine art setting) and then combined it as layers with the original in Photoshop, setting the blend tone of the b&w image (on top) to luminosity (75%).

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