Early finish

I had a nice early finish from work today. But it wasn't through choice! Mr J rang me at 2:45 to say that he had locked himself out of the house. Our front door automatically locks from the outside and he had gone out, closed the door then realised his keys were still inside! He couldn't get back into the house, he couldn't get into the car and to make it worse he only had his tshirt on and it was snowing! We had to think what to do quick as it was nearly school pick up time and neither of us would make it. A quick phone call to a friend to see if she could pick p up for us and another call to the school and P was sorted. Then I had to wrangle with my boss for a early finish (I had already left early yesterday so my flexi time has taken a hit).

I think Mr J got the best end of the deal. He walked round to the local pub and sat and nursed a pint in the warm before I came and rescued him (not before also collecting p from her friends and A from nursery on my way!)

At least I also remembered to bring home the daffodils I bought on Wednesday. I keep leaving them in the office and they did make the place more cheery but much nicer to have them at home.

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