Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Nice day for a walk!

It was very hard to get up, take Archie out, then go to the gym today - boy it was COLD! But I'd still rather have this than the 40° our pal in Sydney is enduring! But as I intended to spend most of my afternoon on the sofa, it was imperative that I moved around a bit in the morning.

Today my personal trainer came to talk to me while I was on the cross trainer, which was very hard, but I tried not to gasp too much till he thankfully strolled off. I was able to chat to him more while sitting doing my knee bends.

Elizabeth came to take Archie out for the day, even though it wasn't fit for man or beast to be out. He had a happy, but very muddy, wet, cold walk in the Hermitage then up the hill. But he comes home clean and dry. Even his coat has been washed and dried. What a lucky boy. We're lucky too, of course.

I finished my audiobook during the chitchat before the games. One game was rather one sided, but the other one was a much better match. Though the Big Match of the weekend is on tomorrow.

More sad news about even more whales beaching in New Zealand. It's awful enough reading about it and seeing a news clip, but it must be quite distressing to be there. TMLHereAndThere had a link to twigs' blips, where she helped at a mass whale stranding a few years ago. They make harrowing but interesting reading.

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